(*滿$380送順豐) 【去除油污】法國品牌NAJEL 天然橄欖油黑皂清潔膏 Cleansing Black Soap Paste



NAJEL 天然橄欖油黑皂清潔膏 你的全天然家居清潔膏!不含任何香料,蘊含歐盟 Ecocert 有機認證。 由 100% 的橄欖油製成,以其清潔和去油污的功效而聞名,可去除各種表面的油脂和污垢,是清潔家居的理想選擇! 用途廣泛,可以替代傳統具有腐蝕性的家用清潔產品 經濟實惠,單一產品已可代替多種清潔液! 溫和清潔家中各種表面 99% 純天然、純素食 法國有機製造 如何使用? 取少量NAJEL 天然橄欖油黑皂清潔膏,擦洗並沖洗乾淨。它可以用於所有表面,是家居清潔的理想選擇 ! 在家中:可用於清潔所有表面:瓷磚、陶瓷、油氈甚至大理石地板,亦能清潔並擦亮銀器。 在廚房:可用於清潔廚房,去除頑固污漬和清洗餐具碗碟的理想之選! 產地:法國 重量:200克 注意事項:有可能刺激皮膚、眼睛,皮膚接觸後,請以清水沖洗,如出現嚴重過敏反應,請及時就醫。 如果需咨詢醫生,請保留容器或標籤。放在兒童接觸不到的地方,使用後徹底洗手。如果進入眼睛:請用水水小心沖洗數分鐘。 Cleansing Black soap paste with olive oil An all-natural detergent : fragrance-free & Ecodetergent certified! Made from 100% olive oil, renowned for its cleaning and degreasing qualities, it removes grease & shine from all types of surface. It's ideal for cleaning the whole house. Multi-purpose - it replaces all your conventional aggressive household products Economical - this single product is as effective as many detergents combined! Gently cleans all the small surfaces in your home 99% natural & vegan Made in France How to use? Take a small amount of soap, scrub and rinse. It can be used on all surfaces and is ideal for washing the dishes ! For household: this detergent cleans all surfaces: tiles, ceramics, linoleum and even marble floors! It cleans and shines, perfect for silverware. For kitchen: Black soap paste acts as an excellent degreaser for the whole kitchen. Ideal for getting rid of stubborn stains and washing the dishes! Its paste texture is very practical and won't run. Available in: 200g & 1 kg Made in France Composition : soap, <5% : sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate. Also contains: water, glycerine, potassium hydroxide. 99% of the total ingredients are of natural origin. Detergent certified by Ecocert Greenlife according to the "Ecodetergent" standard available at http://detergent.ecocert.com Causes skin irritation. Causes severe eye irritation. IF ON SKIN: wash with plenty of water. In case of irritation or skin rash: consult a doctor. If a doctor is consulted, keep the container or label available. Keep out of reach of children. Read the label before use. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. IF IN EYES: rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to remove. Continue rinsing.

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