(*滿$380包順豐櫃或站取) 法國品牌 Najel 多用途家居黑皂液 Multipurpose Liquid Black Aleppo Soap



Najel 多用途家居黑皂液成分全天然,只含有兩種天然成分:橄欖油及月桂油,它除了對人體無害,它亦是環保產品,對環境無傷害,100%可生物降解。 - 橄欖油是具有天然及有效的清潔能力,此家居黑皂液用途眾多,可以用來清潔家居客廳、地板、廚房和浴室,保護你花園中的植物,更可以用來替你的心愛的寵物洗澡。 - 用法: 家居:你可以將多用途家居黑皂液用於地板及天花板,亦適用於多種不同的表面,例如瓷磚、洗手盆、煤氣爐、家具、玻璃、亞麻地板、火爐及大理石,它亦適用於擦拭銀器。 *建議用量:將5個湯匙 (tablespoon) 的黑皂液混合5公升的清水 花園:你可以將黑皂液用於任何植物上,亦可以作為天然殺蟲劑,不會對你的植物或環境造成任何傷害。 *建議用量:將5個湯匙 (tablespoon)的黑皂液混合1分升的暖水,待冷卻後,倒進噴霧瓶裡,便可以用於植物上。 衣服:黑皂液可以有效去除衣服上的油污垢。 *建議用量:將衣服內外反轉,在油污垢上塗上少量已稀釋的黑皂液,然後放進洗衣機清洗(以冷水清洗效果最佳)。如果是嚴重油垢,則可直接使用黑皂液,無需稀釋。 寵物:你亦可以用黑皂液為你的寵物洗澡,無任何化學物,它亦可以有效除蚤。 *建議用量:將3湯匙 (tablespoon)的黑皂液混合於5公升的暖水,並加入少量的白醋。 - 以上用量均為官方建議用量,你可因應個人需要作出適當調整。 - 請注意:避免讓本產品觸及眼睛,如進入眼內,請立即以清水清洗。勿讓兒童觸及。不可進食。如發現皮膚有任何不適或敏感,請立即用清水清洗及停止使用。接觸產品後,請以清水清洗皮膚。 - 重量:1公升 - 產地:法國 - Ingredients: 15-30% : savon (soap), <5%: sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate. / / / Description Natural and biodegradable, Najel Multipurpose Liquid Black Aleppo Soap, the only ingredient of which is saponified olive oil, will replace all your other house maintenance products. This essential and unique product can be used to clean your home from floor to ceiling, protect your garden plants as well as shampoo your pets. A natural and effective grease remover, it cleans all surfaces perfectly: bathroom, toilet, kitchen, floor… Utilization - At home, it can be used from floor to ceiling: in all rooms (bathroom, kitchen ...), and on different surfaces such as tiles, washbins, gas stoves, furniture, glass surfacesm linoleum, fireplaces and marble. Recommended dosage: *Dissolve 5 tablespoons of soap in 5 l of hot water. - At your garden, it is effective outside of your home too, for example, on garden furniture and plant leaves. In the garden, Liquid Black Aleppo Soap makes an excellent natural insecticide. Put five tablespoons of soap in a spray bottle filled with one liter of warm water. Wait for the mixture to cool before spraying your plants. Recommended dosage: *Mix 5 tablespoons of soap in 1 l of water. - For your clothes, it also helps to remove grease stains from clothes: Najel recommends rubbing the stain with a little soap, on the inside of the garment. Then machine wash, preferably on a cold cycle. Your laundry will come out soft and perfectly clean. - For your pets, you can also use it for washing pets. Liquid Black Aleppo Soap is made of herbal ingredients, which makes it completely safe for animals. It will leave their coat clean and silky. It also works as an anti-parasitic treatment. *To remove grease perfectly, Najel recommends you put three tablespoons of Black Aleppo Soap in a bucket with five liters of hot water, and add a little white vinegar. Bottle of 1L Composition : 15 — 30 % savon (soap). Contient aussi / contains too: eau, potassium hydroxide. Contient un biocide conservateur / contains a preservative biocide: potassium sorbate.  99% du total des ingrédients sont d’origine naturelle. Ecodétergent certifié par Ecocert Greenlife selon le référentiel Ecocert disponible sur http://detergents.ecocert.com Made in France Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. if on skin: wash with plenty of water. If skin irritation or rash occurs: get medical advice. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children. Wash the hands thoroughly after handling. IF IN EYES: rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.

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