(*滿$380包順豐櫃或站取)【一噴即用】法國品牌NAJEL 可噴式天然黑皂清潔液 Ready to Use Black Soap



100% 純天然,可生物降解,由純橄欖油製成,是傳統家用清潔產品的完美替代品! 一噴即用,無需稀釋 溫和清潔各種表面 保護植物免受寄生蟲侵害 多途眾多:廚房、地板、植物 如何使用? 清潔家居:直接噴灑在需要清潔的表面上,用濕海綿或清潔刷刷洗表面,最後以清水沖洗乾淨。 保護植物:直接噴灑在植物葉片上,可在兩三天後重覆使用,有助預防寄生蟲、昆蟲滋生。 寵物清潔:噴於寵物身上,刷洗後以清水沖洗乾淨。 使用前請搖勻產品;使用後請蓋緊瓶蓋,將產品存放在陰涼乾燥處,以保持產品的質量。 注意事項:有可能刺激皮膚、眼睛,皮膚接觸後,請以清水沖洗,如出現嚴重過敏反應,請及時就醫。如果需咨詢醫生,請保留容器或標籤。放在兒童接觸不到的地方,使用後徹底洗手。如果進入眼睛:請用水水小心沖洗數分鐘。 產地:法國 重量:1L Ready to use black soap Natural Detergent Choose Najel black soap to keep your home clean and your garden flourishing! Made exclusively from olive oil, this biodegradable cleaner is an alternative to traditional household products. Ready to use, it removes grease and purifies all surfaces, from worktops and floors to kitchens and bathrooms. Great for the garden, naturally protecting plants from pests. How to use? For optimum use of our multi-purpose black soap spray, Shake before use! For household: Spray directly onto the surface to be cleaned. Use a damp sponge or duster to scrub the surface. Rinse with clean water after cleaning. For Plants: Spray directly onto the leaves of the plants to be protected, and repeat two or three days later if necessary. It can be used against parasites (aphids, mealy bugs) but also as a preventive measure. For Pets: Use black soap spray on your pets to clean them. Rinse thoroughly after scrubbing. Store the product in a cool, dry place. Close the bottle tightly after use to preserve the quality of the product. Made in France Weight: 1L Ingredients: < 5% : soap, water, glycerin, potassium hydroxide 100% of the total ingredients are of natural origin. Detergent certified by ECOCERT Greenlife according to the ECOCERT standard. "Ecodetergent" available on http://detergents.ecocert.com Dangerous. Observe precautions for use. Causes skin irritation. Causes severe eye irritation. In case of skin contact : wash with plenty of water. In the event of irritation or skin rash : consult a doctor. If a doctor is consulted, keep the container or label available. Keep out of reach of children. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. IF IN EYES : rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.

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